jueves, 23 de febrero de 2023

Question words

Now is time to review the questions words in English (what, which, how, why, where, when, ...). We use them to ask questions.  Don´t forget the structure of the questions with these wh- words:

question word + auxiliar + subject + verb

Here you have some examples:

You should watch the next video, it is very interesting:


miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2023

Should and must (6º E.P.)

Should and must are modals verbs.

We use must in sentences to give orders when there is no option because it is something you have to do or if we want to tell someone not to do something, we can use it in the negative form:

must not or mustn´t

For example:

You must do your homework

You mustn´t use your mobile phone in class

We use should in sentences to give advice or suggestions or basically to tell someone what would be good in a situation or if we want to tell someone what wouldn´t be good in a situation we can use it in negative form

should not or shouldn´t

For example:

You should eat healthy foods, you shouldn´t eat sweets.

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023


 The English Departament wishes you a happy carnival.

Gema, Feli and María 🎊🎊🎊

Carnival song (Songs for kids and Nursery Rhymes)

When the band comes marching in (Super Simple Songs)

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2023