Los pequeños de Educación Infantil de cuatro años os desean a toda la comunidad educativa, una feliz Navidad con este villancico titulado "I´m a little snowman".
En este blog puedes encontrar fichas de trabajo de diferentes temáticas, canciones, lecturas y vídeos.
Los pequeños de Educación Infantil de cuatro años os desean a toda la comunidad educativa, una feliz Navidad con este villancico titulado "I´m a little snowman".
En segundo de Educación Primaria hemos trabajado algunos alimentos que se toman en Navidad en los países de habla inglesa y hemos hablado un poco de las tradiciones. Aprovechamos para repasar las estructuras gramaticales "I like/ I don´t like, He/She likes/ doesn´t like ...". Aquí tenéis algunos ejemplos.
También aprovechando Christmas, hemos repasado vocabulario de la ropa y estructuras con "I´m wearing/ I´m not wearing, He/She is/isn´t wearing ..."
Natalia R.P.
Fabiola L.R.
Como es tradición, hemos escuchado Christmas Carols con Super Simple Songs y hemos aprendido y trabajado diferentes fichas con vocabulario de Navidad (elf, Christmas tree, Santa, gift, ...).
Algunos alumnos también nos presentan a su familia y nos dicen alguna cosilla de ellos, si son altos, bajos, jóvenes, ... Estos trabajos son todo un logro que han conseguido con trabajo y esfuerzo en este primer trimestre. Felicidades a todos.
To finish this first term, we have practiced the past simple to tell our routines. Here there are some examples.
my name is Irene. I am 10 years old.
is my routine:
woke up and went to have breakfast. After I dressed and went to school.
school I studied, listened and spoke.
went home. At home I had lunch, watched TV, did my homework and played with
I went to English school and to skate.
I went home, at home I took shower and had dinner. Finally I went to bed. This is my day!
Irene C. C.
Hello my
name is Laura. I am 10 years old. These are my routines:
I got up at eight o’ clock in the morning. I took a shower in the bathroom and then, I had breakfast at quarter past eight. I got dressed and went to school with my friends and teachers. I learned and I studied. Then I went home and ate. In the afternoon, I did my homework. At six o’clock I went to ballet lessons. It was fun! When the class finished, I went home and I took a shower (again). I had dinner, and dressed my blue or green pyjama. It’ s so much hot! I went to bed and I waited until the next day.
Laura N. S.
my name is Sofía and I am going to tell you
my daily routine of the last Thursday.
woke up at eight o´clock, I went to the bathroom and get dressed. I went to the
kitchen, I had breakfast and I brushed my teeth. Then I went to school; school
started at nine o´clock. I learned a lot!
When school finished at two o´clock, I went to my house. I had lunch, I had a break and I brushed my teeth. Then I did my homework. When I finished, I went to my ballet class from seven o´clock to eight o´clock. When the ballet class finished, I went to my house and I took a shower. Then I put on my pyjama and I had dinner. Then I brushed my teeth and I went to bed at ten o´clock.
Sofía G. M.
Alejandra R.P.