viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2024


 Los pequeños de Educación Infantil de cuatro años os desean a toda la comunidad educativa, una feliz Navidad con este villancico titulado "I´m a little snowman".


jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


En sexto hemos visto, como ya es tradición, una película navideña titulada "Deck the halls" traducida como "Un vecino con pocas luces". Si no la habéis visto os la recomendamos porque es muy divertida e ideal para ver estos días en familia.

Y ... debido a un problema técnico no hemos podido terminar de ver la película y el destino nos ha llevado a disfrutar de una fantástica clase de zumba con el famoso villancico "Jingle bell rock", nos lo hemos pasado fenomenal, cada uno ha hecho lo que ha podido y otros ni lo han intentado, era demasiado temprano para tanto ritmo 😂😂. Aquí tenéis algunas imágenes y el vídeo original por si os animáis en casa.

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2024


 En segundo de Educación Primaria hemos trabajado algunos alimentos que se toman en Navidad en los países de habla inglesa y hemos hablado un poco de las tradiciones. Aprovechamos para repasar las estructuras gramaticales "I like/ I don´t like, He/She likes/ doesn´t like ...". Aquí tenéis algunos ejemplos.

También aprovechando Christmas, hemos repasado vocabulario de la ropa y estructuras con "I´m wearing/ I´m not wearing, He/She is/isn´t wearing ..."

Juanjo G.P.

Estefanía F. D.

Natalia R.P.

Marina M.T.

Fabiola L.R.

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2024


 Como es tradición, hemos escuchado Christmas Carols con Super Simple Songs y hemos aprendido y trabajado diferentes fichas con vocabulario de Navidad (elf, Christmas tree, Santa, gift, ...). 

Algunos alumnos también nos presentan a su familia y nos dicen alguna cosilla de ellos, si son altos, bajos, jóvenes, ... Estos trabajos son todo un logro que han conseguido con trabajo y esfuerzo en este primer trimestre. Felicidades a todos.

Irene G.L.A
Ainhoa G.T.
Chams M.A.
Salvador B.J.
Alejandra S.B.P.
Marcos G.C.
Marta P. C.

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2024


 To finish this first term, we have practiced the past simple to tell our routines. Here there are some examples. 

Hello my name is Irene. I am 10 years old.

This is my routine:

I woke up and went to have breakfast. After I dressed and went to school.

At school I studied, listened and spoke.

I went home. At home I had lunch, watched TV, did my homework and played with dolls.

Next I went to English school and to skate.

Later I went home, at home I took shower and had dinner. Finally I went to bed.    This is my day!

                                                                    Irene C. C.  


Hello my name is Laura. I am 10 years old. These are my routines:   

I got up at eight o’ clock in the morning. I took a shower in the bathroom and then, I had breakfast at quarter past eight. I got dressed and went to school with my friends and teachers. I learned and I studied. Then I went home and ate. In the afternoon, I did my homework. At six o’clock I went to ballet lessons. It was fun! When the class finished, I went home and I took a shower (again). I had dinner, and dressed my blue or green pyjama. It’ s so much hot! I went to bed and I waited until the next day.                                                                                  

                                                                                           Laura N. S. 


Hello, my name is Sofía and I am going to tell you  my daily routine of the last Thursday.

I woke up at eight o´clock, I went to the bathroom and get dressed. I went to the kitchen, I had breakfast and I brushed my teeth. Then I went to school; school started at nine o´clock. I learned a lot!

When  school finished at two o´clock, I went to my house. I had lunch, I had a break and I brushed my teeth. Then I did my homework. When I finished, I went to my ballet class from seven o´clock to eight o´clock. When the ballet class finished, I went to my house and I took a shower. Then I put on my pyjama and I had dinner. Then I brushed my teeth and I went to bed at ten o´clock.

                                                         Sofía G. M. 

                                             Alejandra R.P.